Our School » School Vision and Information

School Vision and Information

We are a Community of Lifelong Learners!

Jack F. Macy Intermediate School is one of six Intermediate schools within the Montebello Unified School District. Macy currently provides instruction in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade in all academic settings. Our population of over 900 students is representative of our diverse surrounding communities, with approximately 23% of our students identifying as Asian, 69% percent of our students identifying as Hispanic, 6% identifying as white and the remainder of various nationalities and origins. Our school has a diverse student population, with over 21 different languages are represented in our English Language Development courses, Gifted and Talented, Special Education, and General Education Programs.
Parent Involvement is a key component in the success of our school community. Through various Parent Involvement groups such as School Site Council, PTA, English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC), Title I Committee and more, parents are encouraged to actively participate in the decision-making bodies at our site

In addition, Jack F. Macy Intermediate hosts several opportunities to meet with parents to review student academic progress, discuss the needs of middle school students and strengthen parent involvement in all programs being offered. We are committed to providing ample opportunities for parents to learn about resources in helping their children with common core standards, technology, school curriculum, project based learning, A-G college requirements, and linking parents to resources in the community. We truly believe in working together with both students and parents to create a successful learning experience for all stakeholders.

Macy’s school community is committed to providing rich learning experiences for all students. All Teaching Staff have received Data Teams training through our district-wide partnership with Leadership and Learning. Teachers collaborate on a weekly basis to review student data, and to develop engaging curriculum with meaningful Common Formative Assessments. Teachers also receive ongoing Professional Development opportunities that are specifically designed to provide strategic support.
Additionally, Macy offers students a wide range of activities to get involved in. Some examples are:

Student Government/Associated Student Body (ASB)
Hip-hop Dance*
Green-Space Club*
Chess Club
Cross Country
Knight Lights
Chinese Club
Fishing Club
Stem-6th grade
4-H Garden
4-H Photography
4-H Communications
4-H Rocketry
4-H Leadership
*Run by our Afterschool Program, CEC