General LCAP / LCFF Overview
What is the LCFF? What is the LCAP? Check out this Recap and Attached Powerpoints:
The Montebello Unified School District has made a concerted effort to ensure that all community stakeholders are continuously involved in the development of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and the way in which the LCAP will oversee the use of funds allocated via the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
For more information and for a quick recap of of LCAP and LCFF information, please few the key bullet points below:
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF):
- The LCFF is a historic reform to educational funding; redistributes State funds based on grade level grants and demographic data.
- Funding will be phased in over an estimated 8-year period, and is contingent upon continued economic growth.
- LCFF simplifies funding, and allows for more flexibility as categorical programs have been eliminated. HOWEVER, as with all Federal and State funding, there are definite "strings" attached. Some of these strings are:
Student performance and growth particularly in identified subgroups will monitored closely. Subgroups are: Low-Income, English Learners and Foster Youth. - Sites will receive a base amount of funding per student, which is similar to the "Core" or "General Fund" monies received in years' past. LCFF funding builds upon this base funding, and is determined by grade level spans, and school demographics (Low Income, English Learner, Foster Youth).
- LCFF requires active involvement by all stakeholders in determining the way in which funds will be spent. Teachers, Students, Parents and Leadership collectively contribute to this process via their recommendations that will be included in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP):
- The LCAP is the PLan that outlines the ways in which the LCFF will be spent. Parent Involvement, Staff Input, Student Input and Leadership Input are integral and required components of LCAP development.
- The LCAP will be broken into three components:
Stakeholder Engagement
Goals and Progress Indicators
Actions, Services and Expenditures - Representation from Parent Advisory Groups is required; Advisory Committees will still be in place and will focus on gathering active Parent input regarding the decision-making processes of programs supported by the LCFF.
- Three Student Groups will remain as the focus of LCFF and in turn, LCAP:
English Learners (EL) - Based on Home Language Survey/CELDT; Reclassified students will no longer generate funding.
Low Income (LI) - Based on Free and Reduced Lunch Populations
Foster Youth (FY) - Students who have been placed into care by a home, service for caregiver by the County welfare department. - The State has grouped eight Priorities for the LCAP in the following ways:
Conditions for Learning - Basic services, Implementation of State Standards, Course Access
Pupil Outcomes - Pupil Achievement, Other Pupil Outcomes (Determined by District)
Engagement - Parent Involvement, Pupil Engagement, School Climate - LCAP will align with the Schoolwide Plan, and Comprehensive Learning Framework, and should outline the ways in which funds will be spent, and how success will be monitored as a result.
For more information, please click here.
For more information in Spanish, please click here.
What is the LCFF?
The way California's public education system is funded is changing dramatically as a result of a law signed by Governor Brown in July, 2013. Its centerpiece is the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) designed to send additional funds to districts where Governor Brown believes "the need and challenge is greatest." For the first time, the law requires that students, parents, teachers and other community members be actively involved in the process of deciding how new funds are spent.
The LCFF represents the most significant change in the State's funding system for K-12 schools in four decades. It is a direct result of the landmark legislation--Assembly Bill 97--and is currently being implemented in every California school district and will affect every school in the state. The main goal of the new law is to improve academic outcomes by providing more funding to school districts that serve high-need students. Another goal is to allow local school districts to have more autonomy in deciding how LCFF funds will be spent, with specific accountability measures in place to monitor student and site success.
The transition into LCFF has begun this current school year, and will be phased in gradually. Based on revenue projections, districts will reach what is considered "full finding" in eight years. Input from students, parents, teachers and community members will play an integral part in the development of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which will outline the way in which funding will be spent.